Meow so this is basically the second part to what I got for Christmas... (Check the last blog post out) but I got quite a lot of Lush products so I thought that it would be a lot better and easier to do another blog post on all of the Lush stuff that I got... I do not have a problem or an addiction.. I just love Lush. So let's begin..
NB: Most of the stuff is from the Christmas Range so you might not be able to buy these products and these are in no particular order.
I have to say that I got quite a lot of things from my brother and the rest I got from a Lush gift card that I got given so...
So the first thing, I am going to talk about is the Baked Alaska Snowball Soap. It's known as Baked Alaska but on the label it says Baked Alaska Snowball so.... It's the first thing that I got out of my massive Lush bag... Not an euphemism... I have three lush bags so there is quite a lot of things. The soap contains grapefruit oil and lemon myrtle oil which gives the soap a very fresh, invigorating scent where as the coconut oil and rapeseed oil give the soap nourishing properties for the skin. The reason why it has Snowball in the name is because the soap in it's full glory is shaped in a massive ball which has different colours running through it when you cut into it. This soap was priced at around £3.50 per 100g
Baked Alaska Soap in it's full glory |
Following on with the citrus scent, the next product that I have picked out of my bag is Star Light Star Bright. This is sort of a hybrid product. This is a bath melt with a layer of a bath ballistic. The product is mainly a bath melt as it has extra-virgin Coconut Oil and Shea Butter in which when it goes into bath water, it skims to the top of the bath therefore as soon as your skin hits the water, it starts to nourish it. It is also a bath ballistic though as it has shimmer/silver lustre which gives your bath a shimmering effect within the bath. The way you use it is that you crumble it under running water like a bubble bar. The best way is probably to Tchop it up cold as it has butters in which start to melt at body temperature. The scent of it is mainly lime which is so citrusy but so refreshing whilst the ginger gives it a warming back note for Christmas. I can't remember the price but its around £3.50 from what I remember...
One Single Twinkling Star |
Twinkle, twinkle, little stars... |
The next product that I have drawn out of my big bag is Father Christmas... This is a bath ballistic. The bomb has a design of the traditional Santa's face which is slightly cute but slightly creepy... I mean if you get a thrill out of drowning Santa then you'll love it... The scent is very familiar. If you love Snow Fairy then you will love this product as this is the scent of the product... I'm trying not to say bomb too much as I may sound like a cosmetic terrorist. This one also has Cream Of Tartar in which will create ultra soft bubbles! The label on mine has been wiped off so I'm not that sure how much this one costs but it should be around £3-4. Sorry, I'm being really vague with prices.
Ho Ho Ho... |
The next one that I have picked out of my bag is Candy Mountain... Now this is a different product compared to the other products. Bubble bars create bubbles. Instead of dropping a bath bomb into water, you crumble a bit of said bubble bar under running water to create bubbles. The more you crumble, the more bubbles you get. The scent of this bar is very recognisable as it carries the scent of Snow Fairy! It is very pink therefore it makes pink bubbles when applied to water. Snow Fairy mainly reminds me of pear drops/candy floss. I got this as present including the ones above so I don't know the price of it.
Candy Mountain, Charlie! |
The next product is Shoot For The Stars... This one is so good. So the first time, I saw this was at the Bloggers Event and it looked so pretty! The scent of this bath bomb is very recognisable as it is within the Honey, I Washed The Kids soap. I shall talk about that later... This bomb makes the bath go a very midnight blue with a shimmer on the top which makes it look like twinkling stars and it just looks so good! I haven't tried it yet but I can't wait to use it!
Prettiness in a jug! |
Shoot For The Stars! |
The next one that I have picked is the Dashing Santa. Now, basically according to a member of staff that I talked to at the Bloggers Event said that the reason it is called Dashing Santa is because people at the factory are always running about at Christmas so it would be fun to nickname them that and thus the Dashing Santa was evolved.. This bomb literally runs around your bath. His golden boots which have the scent of satsumas is a fast releasing bomb which means that the feet set off and dissolves quicker than the rest of the body. The bomb also has snowflake lustre which makes it all sparkle. If you love citrus scents then you will love this one!
Ho Ho Ho... Dashing around the tub! T |
The next bath bomb which is the last of the Christmas Bath Ballistics is the Cinders Bath Ballistic... Now Cinders is somewhat because of fire even though I instantly thought it was to do with Cinderella as they do So White at Christmas... Just me? Anyways, this little yet cute bath bomb has Vegan Popping Candy on top of the bomb so when you put the bomb into the bath the water reacts with the candy to give a crackling sound which makes the bath a lot more cosy and great for when its cold. The product has Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Almond Oil and other things in which nourish the skin and give the scent a spicy flavour which makes it feel even more cosy. The scent is mainly a spicy cherry scent which I love. It's small but it's worth it.
Snuggle up next to the fire... |
So, that's the end of the first bag... Okay, that's already a lot of lush products so the next two are just a few things because I felt like I needed them. I got the following with a Lush Gift Card from a family member.
The first thing I am going to talk about is the Mint Julips. Now this is a new thing to me. As I had got my lip pierced, I thought thatr it would be good to keep my lips in care. I had heard about the Santas Lip Scrub which had the scent of cherry cola but it had sold out by the time I went into Lush. Now I smelt the Popcorn lip scrub which was really salty, the Bubblegum one was really sweet but the Mint Julip was just perfect. I sound like Goldilocks but I don't care... Mmm... I love mint choc chip flavoured things but me and lactose don't get along so it was great to find out that I could have mint choc chip on my lips without the lactose. The lip scrub consists of caster sugar and basically does what it says. Scrubs away the dead skin on lips. It's £5.50 per tub.
Scrub, scrub, scrub on my lips |
The next thing that I am going to talk about is Hot Toddy. Now, my Mums house doesn't have a shower but my dads does so I instantly oohed in my head at the fact that I could smell divine of Lush without the time of a bath. Now, I got given this as a gift and bought more4 in the sale. Now, this shower gel is festive as it has cloves, cinnamon and orange in which are three essential Christmas scents. This as most Lush festive favourites contain glitter... Yeah... Shower gel with glitter can make you seem a bit Edward Cullen-ish but I LOVE IT! It was £7.50 for 500ml in the sale. It's just so nice and cosy...
Enough to last me for a while |
Mmm... Hot ToddyT |
Second to last product... I know its been a lot but we are nearly there! I may have bought more Honey, I Washed The Kids Soap. This has the most incredible smell ever! Its a mixture of honey and toffee. Lush use vegan friendly honey alternatives so they don't harm bees. I have shown this product to others and they haven't known what Lush was but thought the soap smelt wonderful and nearly wanted to eat it.. It is so good!
Mmm.. So good, it could be eaten! |
Last product! I know, such saddening times but you will love this one and like the last couple of items you can buy this one! Dragon's Egg. So incredibly good. I have mentioned this one before but it was the first item from Lush that I used and I loved it so if you haven't used it then I urge you to! It contains confetti, popping candy and turns your fire red. I think this is a product that makes you feel cosy anytime of the year. It contains lemon, jasmine and gardenia so its bright and fruity but floral at the same time.. It's just fabulous. It is literally
Roaring Dragon's Egg - £3.35 |
So that is literallyeverything that I got for Christmas and if all of that doesn't last me until at least March then that's when I need help. So, if you got any Lush products for Christmas or love any that I have mentioned then don't forget to comment! Please go into your nearest Lush or Lush Leeds or Lush White Rose. They are all amazing especially the atmosphere and their staff.
I hope that you have liked this blog post. Don't forget to check out my YouTube and I hope to see you next time!
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