Okay so I know that this isn't my normal sort of topic to write about and I'm a bit scared about doing this but screw it! Stuff like this needs to be talked about a lot more. If you're not a big fan of the same sex on same sex stuff or you don't have a penis then go and check out Zusterchap. They're a blog that talk about periods, sex and all things nice!
(I got this from Google as I couldn't find anything that was suitable on the site that bloggers use for photos. The link for this also just came up with a search on Tumblr when I found this on Google Images so sadly I can't link this back as I don't know which account it came from.)
There is always that person who asks the awkward questions when they found out or you reveal your sexuality. I thought that I would answer a few questions that I normally get asked about sex.
1: Does It Hurt?
Okay, so the myth is that it hurts the first time and honesrly it might for some people. Might being the word. If you don't use enough lube and ask if it's comfortable for the other person/if they don't ask and things then it might hurt. If you do things in the correct and right way then theres a good chance that it won't hurt.
2: Are You A Train Or A Tunnel?
First of all, a what or a what? Don't make a train an euphemism for a penis... Trains get you places, penises don't do that in any form whatsoever. Second of all, I'm guessing you're wanting to know if I'm a top or a bottom when it comes to sex and honestly I don't think that's any of your business unless you're going to be doing the sex thing... The funny thing is that some people are versatile which means they're up for being both... Just stop asking people it, it would save a lot of people the energy of not wanting to murder you when you ask personal stuff like that.
3: Oh, you must love anal sex?!
I understand why you would think this because well the main stereotype of gay sex that it's all about the anal... This is not true. Some guys don't like anal and honestly that's fine... It's their sex life so it's their preferences that matter and guess what some straight people like anal and that's their preference too!
4: What Is Grindr?
Well its a magical app on your phone where we all talk about unicorns and hope to make cakes with rainbows and smiles and talk about things to do with gay icons... Okay, I'm joking. Grindr is an app that you can get from the App Store and Google Play (I think...), its a gay 'dating' website that uses your location to find the nearest people who use the app. It is most commonly known as the hook up app which is quite true but guess what you don't have to use it to hook up as no means no within the world but you can use it for things such as finding friends and just talking to guys when you want to talk about things that some of your friends might not understand...
5: Oh, you must find every person of the same sex attractive?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. No. This is definitely not the case. I definitely have a preference and type and everyone else does. Just because we like the same sex doesn't mean that we like everyone that is the same sex of us. There will always be a percentage of people of the same sex that we don't like. We normally like them to be into men for a starter... Y'know what else pisses me off though? When the same sex know your sexuality via word of mouth or something like that and automatically think that you find them attractive... No, 'mate' I just now think that you're a massive prick for thinking that.
Sorry if I have used the wrong word and prefer a different term such as queer etc I don't mean to offend. I am just talking from my perspective and I hope that you guys don't mind that. Don't forget to comment with your opinions of this and if you think that we need to talk and write more things about sex because I definitely think that we do! I hope that you have enjoyed this little question based post and I hope to see you for another post sometime soon!
Jamie x
Saturday, 27 February 2016
Friday, 26 February 2016
Diary Of A Meowing Lushie: Lush Spring York Event
Welcome to another DOAML post. This post isn't a review or anything like that but it is definitely Lush related so I thought that I would talk to you guys about it.
A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend the Lush Spring event in York by the lovely Urika. Click on her name to go to her blog and I would like to thank her for some of the shots of the products within this post! I got the email and obviously said yes as I love Lush and I definitely love finding out about the new ranges that are on offer within stores.
We arrived at the store a tiny bit late due to Google Maps wanting to take us on a weird route... (It's the fact that we got to the store that counts, right?!) We entered and was welcomed in by the lovely staff. (If you have read my blog before then you will know that I'm not great with names unless you shout them at me and drill the names into my head...) We were first told about what was going on throughout the night and what ranges we were going to have a look at.
We were also asked if we wanted a drink which I said yes to because I always have a dry mouth so I always need a drink... We were offered Lemonade or Raspberry and Elderflower. I went for the Raspberry and Elderflower as it seemed a bit more Spring like compared to Lemonade which I think is more Summery. We were also told that there were snacks on offer in the form of biscuits and chocolate eggs because well Easter and chocolate eggs. The biscuits were Vegan and the Chocolate eggs were vegetarian which was good to know as every bloggers dietary requirements aren't the same and because Lush are known for catering the Vegan and Vegetarian communities for beauty products so it's good to see that they carry this on within their bloggers events.
The first task that we had to do was to collect three Fluffy Eggs that were dotted all around the store and the first person to find three won a Sunflower Bubble Bar which is only available in certain Gift Sets that are sold in all Lush stores within the UK or via going to Lush Oxford Street I believe... If that is possible for you then you are very lucky! I didn't win sadly but I had a lot of fun scouring and dashing around the store trying to find the bath bombs. I rhink that this task and the one below prizes were the same but I honestly can't fully remember...
The next task was to make something Alice In Wonderland inspired out of Fun. The point of this task was to just have fun and then to introduce yourself with your design. I tried to make a White Rabbit but let's just say this Rabbit looked more like what someone would run over in the middle of the night but its the thought and effort that counts, right?!
We were then given one last task which was to take as many pictures and put them on instagram via the in store wifi. God, I love it when a store has wifi! The one that was the most prettiest would win a gift set. The only bad thing was that my phone was dead so I had to use Lukes and that we had to go home before the prize winner was announced. I hope whoever won is loving their gift set!
We then went round to the demo area where we got shown a mixture of things which included most of the Mothers Day collection and the new Easter collection.
The first thing that I can remember was the Bunch Of Carrots. This product comes in a bhnch of three hence the name. These contain Sicilian Lemon, Bergamot and Buchu Oils which give the product a deep zesty scent. You use these like you use the Wands at Christmas time which is just run them under a tap and leave them to dry. Personally, I would take one off the bunch and then use them in the wand way or if you don't want any mess then just crumble into a bath and then run the bath. They cost £6.25 which is pretty good for three bars.
We also saw Ultraviolet being demonstrated which was out last year. It smells of Parma Violets so if you love them then you will love this! It ddoes have lustre so if you're not a fan of that then I doubt you will enjoy it. It turns the water a lovely purple colour and leaves bubbles that feel like silk! It can be used for way more than one bath so if you're wanting something that smells of Violets and something a bit decadent then this is for you! Costs
We got shown and smelt both soaps which are Somewhere Over The Rainbow and Sunrise.
SOTR is based off the Rainbow within the Wizard Of Oz. I'm not sure what this has to do with Easter but I think it's more of a Spring thing. The massive version has all the colours of the rainbow on therefore when a staff member cuts a piece for you, it won't be the same as any other piece! It contains Sicilian Mandarin, Neroli and Rose Absolute. I think that the Neroli is the most definitive within the bunch scent wise but Neroli is meant to help you be happy which is a pretty good bonus! Priced at £4.25 per 100g.
Sunrise. This soap is actually based on the Sun which is an interesting concept to build upon. This has been done via the colour been a mixture of burning red and glistening orange and also via the soap being hard on the outside but squidgy in the middle. The squidginess is via Murumuru Butter and Tofu which represents a core. The scent is the same as the Brightside Bubble Bar which is Mandarin Oil which means that it is very Orange scented but not in a way that is overwhelming. Priced at £4.25.
We then went onto Bath Bombs. There is a good few bath bombs that are out this Spring so I'm just going to mention two because it is easier doiing that. There is the Which Came First? This has been out in previous years under the name The Immaculate Eggception where there was two bombs in different colours but this year it has been changed in many ways. WCF is a bomb that you can smash. If you remember last year this concept was shown via Love Locket and many other products. You can smash/crack this bomb open which can be used on 2 baths and then there is a surprise in the middle which is another egg. This concept is also shown via Humpty Dumpty which I personally think looks a bit creepy. This product contains Vanilla Absolute, Grapefruit Oil and Lemon Oil which gives it a sweet yet uplifting scent. Priced at £6.95.
The other bomb is Golden Egg. If you read my blog this time or followed me on Social Media this time last year then you will know how much I love Golden Egg. This product is a cross between a Bomb and a Melt as it has glitter and fizzes which makes it a ballistic/bomb but it also has a core of Fair Trade Cocoa Butter and Olive Oil which nourishes the skin. There is a lot of lustre with this product so if you're not a fan of it then you might not be a fan of this. The scent is made up of Orange and Bergamot which creates a sweet Honey/Toffee scent somehow but it is to die for! Priced at £3.95.
I also purchased something which I am going to put in another paragraph as I thought I might as well as link all the products I got together. We browsed and chatted a bit more and headed off for the train.
I also received a goodie bag which I can't thank the staff enough for giving me. The bag contained a Bunch Of Carrots which I mentioned above, a block of SOTR that I have mentioned above, a Golden Egg and a 100g bottle of Yummy Mummy. If you want to find out more about the shower cream then click on Yummy Mummy. I also scoured the shelves and decided on one thing to buy which I think is good as I rarely just buy one thing from Lush. I decided to buy The Experimenter. If you want to find out more then click here.
Have you checked out any of the new Spring ranges from Lush? Let me know down below! Do you have a favourite product from the Spring Ranges from Lush? Is it the Unicorn Horn from Valentines Day or is it mentioned in this post or is it something completely different? Let me know down below!
I can't thank the guys enough at Lush York for inviting me to the event and putting on such a great event. I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post and I hope to see you next time for another post. I hope that you are enjoying my DOAML series!
PS: Thanks to all the lovely bloggers that attended and the ones that I got to know throughout the event. Check either @_LushYork on Twitter or #LushSpring on Twitter to find out more blog posts from this event!
Jamie x
Welcome to another DOAML post. This post isn't a review or anything like that but it is definitely Lush related so I thought that I would talk to you guys about it.
A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend the Lush Spring event in York by the lovely Urika. Click on her name to go to her blog and I would like to thank her for some of the shots of the products within this post! I got the email and obviously said yes as I love Lush and I definitely love finding out about the new ranges that are on offer within stores.
We arrived at the store a tiny bit late due to Google Maps wanting to take us on a weird route... (It's the fact that we got to the store that counts, right?!) We entered and was welcomed in by the lovely staff. (If you have read my blog before then you will know that I'm not great with names unless you shout them at me and drill the names into my head...) We were first told about what was going on throughout the night and what ranges we were going to have a look at.
We were also asked if we wanted a drink which I said yes to because I always have a dry mouth so I always need a drink... We were offered Lemonade or Raspberry and Elderflower. I went for the Raspberry and Elderflower as it seemed a bit more Spring like compared to Lemonade which I think is more Summery. We were also told that there were snacks on offer in the form of biscuits and chocolate eggs because well Easter and chocolate eggs. The biscuits were Vegan and the Chocolate eggs were vegetarian which was good to know as every bloggers dietary requirements aren't the same and because Lush are known for catering the Vegan and Vegetarian communities for beauty products so it's good to see that they carry this on within their bloggers events.
The first task that we had to do was to collect three Fluffy Eggs that were dotted all around the store and the first person to find three won a Sunflower Bubble Bar which is only available in certain Gift Sets that are sold in all Lush stores within the UK or via going to Lush Oxford Street I believe... If that is possible for you then you are very lucky! I didn't win sadly but I had a lot of fun scouring and dashing around the store trying to find the bath bombs. I rhink that this task and the one below prizes were the same but I honestly can't fully remember...
The next task was to make something Alice In Wonderland inspired out of Fun. The point of this task was to just have fun and then to introduce yourself with your design. I tried to make a White Rabbit but let's just say this Rabbit looked more like what someone would run over in the middle of the night but its the thought and effort that counts, right?!
We were then given one last task which was to take as many pictures and put them on instagram via the in store wifi. God, I love it when a store has wifi! The one that was the most prettiest would win a gift set. The only bad thing was that my phone was dead so I had to use Lukes and that we had to go home before the prize winner was announced. I hope whoever won is loving their gift set!
We then went round to the demo area where we got shown a mixture of things which included most of the Mothers Day collection and the new Easter collection.
The first thing that I can remember was the Bunch Of Carrots. This product comes in a bhnch of three hence the name. These contain Sicilian Lemon, Bergamot and Buchu Oils which give the product a deep zesty scent. You use these like you use the Wands at Christmas time which is just run them under a tap and leave them to dry. Personally, I would take one off the bunch and then use them in the wand way or if you don't want any mess then just crumble into a bath and then run the bath. They cost £6.25 which is pretty good for three bars.
We also saw Ultraviolet being demonstrated which was out last year. It smells of Parma Violets so if you love them then you will love this! It ddoes have lustre so if you're not a fan of that then I doubt you will enjoy it. It turns the water a lovely purple colour and leaves bubbles that feel like silk! It can be used for way more than one bath so if you're wanting something that smells of Violets and something a bit decadent then this is for you! Costs
We got shown and smelt both soaps which are Somewhere Over The Rainbow and Sunrise.
SOTR is based off the Rainbow within the Wizard Of Oz. I'm not sure what this has to do with Easter but I think it's more of a Spring thing. The massive version has all the colours of the rainbow on therefore when a staff member cuts a piece for you, it won't be the same as any other piece! It contains Sicilian Mandarin, Neroli and Rose Absolute. I think that the Neroli is the most definitive within the bunch scent wise but Neroli is meant to help you be happy which is a pretty good bonus! Priced at £4.25 per 100g.
Sunrise. This soap is actually based on the Sun which is an interesting concept to build upon. This has been done via the colour been a mixture of burning red and glistening orange and also via the soap being hard on the outside but squidgy in the middle. The squidginess is via Murumuru Butter and Tofu which represents a core. The scent is the same as the Brightside Bubble Bar which is Mandarin Oil which means that it is very Orange scented but not in a way that is overwhelming. Priced at £4.25.
We then went onto Bath Bombs. There is a good few bath bombs that are out this Spring so I'm just going to mention two because it is easier doiing that. There is the Which Came First? This has been out in previous years under the name The Immaculate Eggception where there was two bombs in different colours but this year it has been changed in many ways. WCF is a bomb that you can smash. If you remember last year this concept was shown via Love Locket and many other products. You can smash/crack this bomb open which can be used on 2 baths and then there is a surprise in the middle which is another egg. This concept is also shown via Humpty Dumpty which I personally think looks a bit creepy. This product contains Vanilla Absolute, Grapefruit Oil and Lemon Oil which gives it a sweet yet uplifting scent. Priced at £6.95.
The other bomb is Golden Egg. If you read my blog this time or followed me on Social Media this time last year then you will know how much I love Golden Egg. This product is a cross between a Bomb and a Melt as it has glitter and fizzes which makes it a ballistic/bomb but it also has a core of Fair Trade Cocoa Butter and Olive Oil which nourishes the skin. There is a lot of lustre with this product so if you're not a fan of it then you might not be a fan of this. The scent is made up of Orange and Bergamot which creates a sweet Honey/Toffee scent somehow but it is to die for! Priced at £3.95.
I also purchased something which I am going to put in another paragraph as I thought I might as well as link all the products I got together. We browsed and chatted a bit more and headed off for the train.
I also received a goodie bag which I can't thank the staff enough for giving me. The bag contained a Bunch Of Carrots which I mentioned above, a block of SOTR that I have mentioned above, a Golden Egg and a 100g bottle of Yummy Mummy. If you want to find out more about the shower cream then click on Yummy Mummy. I also scoured the shelves and decided on one thing to buy which I think is good as I rarely just buy one thing from Lush. I decided to buy The Experimenter. If you want to find out more then click here.
Have you checked out any of the new Spring ranges from Lush? Let me know down below! Do you have a favourite product from the Spring Ranges from Lush? Is it the Unicorn Horn from Valentines Day or is it mentioned in this post or is it something completely different? Let me know down below!
I can't thank the guys enough at Lush York for inviting me to the event and putting on such a great event. I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post and I hope to see you next time for another post. I hope that you are enjoying my DOAML series!
PS: Thanks to all the lovely bloggers that attended and the ones that I got to know throughout the event. Check either @_LushYork on Twitter or #LushSpring on Twitter to find out more blog posts from this event!
Jamie x
. Jamie Sowden,
bath bombs,
bloggers events,
bubble bars,
Diary Of A Meowing Lushie,
Lush Men,
Mothers Day,
Valentines Day,
Friday, 19 February 2016
Putting A Spring In Your Step | Black Swan Winter To Spring Menu Tasting
I was invited to try out Black Swan's new menu within Leeds. I went to try out their last menu update which if you want to read about that then I shall link that here. Oh, if you haven't noticed by now, I like to get very detailed when it comes to menu tastings just so I can make sure you're salivating whilst reading this post so it might be best to grab a drink as this is a long post.
Me, Michelle and Luke went into Leeds a tiny bit earlier so we decided to go to Caffe Nero as they had a free hot drink via O2 Priority Moments. We then decided to go to Lush because myself and Michelle love Lush quite a bit. We checked out the new Mothers Day range and looked at the Gorilla Perfumes such as Dear John and Death and Decay. We then went to Schuh as Luke wanted some shoes but it then ended up leading to myself buying some Disney Mickey Mouse Vans as they were on sale from £53 to £19 which I think is an absolute bargain! Thanks to Michelle for persuading me to buy the shoes!
We made our way to Black Swan as it is only a stone throw away from Schuh which is in Briggate. We got to the restaurant within one swift move which is actually an achievement as I normally have no clue of where I am going when it comes to events 9 times out of 10. We entered the restaurant and was told that we could choose either three beers to drink throughout the night, wine or a soft drink if you weren't big on drinking. I was going to choose a soft drink but I threw caution to the rain and decided to try three different beers. I can't remember the three beers rhat I tried as I'm a bit bad with names of stuff the first time around (I remember one having some relevance to rebels?) but they were all lovely! We tried to sip our drinks but we were then told to move upstairs for the rest of the event as the downstairs area for meant to be for customers that were dining out on the night.
We made our way upstairs which was quite a difficult task due to glasses and whatnot so a helpful member of staff took them off our hands whilst we made our way up the stairs. We sat down on a elongated table which was in the style of a bench. We chatted for a few minutes then two lovely ladies came over and sat with us. We then chatted a bit more until our starters came. I'm sorry that I can't remember the names of the lovely ladies that sat with us but if you're reading this then hi!
Please remember that all of the pictures within this post are not mine but are Michelle's and if you click on her name throughout this post then it will lead you to her Flickr where you can see more of the perfect pictures that she has shot.
The first dish that came out to us was the Duck OXO Cube with a Celeriac Veloute and a Celeriac and Apple Salad. I was very intrigued about the OXO Cube concept as it meant that the Duck would have a smoky yet concerntrated flavour due to the addition of the OXO. I loved the taste and texture of the Duck and I would happily buy it if I was dining there in my spare time!
The next thing that we ate was Venison Carpaccio with Pickled Shallots, Sherry Vinaigrette and Nasturtium. I think the Nasturtium is in the form of a crisp. I felt like the crisp thing took over the flavour of the Venison as it dominated the palate as soon as you took a bite of it. I feel like it might be best to try a bit of the Venison on it's own and then try it with the other things after tasting a bit of the Venison on its own. Carpaccio is the thinnest cut you can get on any type of meat which means that it melts in the mouth as soon as you bite on it which it did.
The next thing that we tasted was the Salmon and Crab Scotch Egg with Pickled Cucumber and a Parsley Emulsion. This one was a different one for me as it was a unique twist on the classic Scotch Egg. I kind of liked it though. I got more of the Salmon than I did the Crab though and I think that if you had wedges of lemon to spritz over as soon as you cut into the Scotch Egg then that would make it absolutely sublime! If you're not a fan of Fish or Seafood then you're probably not going to like this one!
I then tried Leek and Pearl Barley Risotto with Crispy Leeks. I really like Risotto but I barely cook or have it as I know how much effort it takes to make a risotto so if I know that I can make a chef or whoever not take the time to make a risotto then I probably won't. This risotto was amazing. The Pearl Barley gave it some texture and so did the Crispy Leeks which turned this dish into extravagant comfort food. (That's the best type of food that you can get!) It's a great dish for vegetarians and non meat eaters alike!
Now onto the mains!
We first had the Pan Fried Seabass with Butternut Squash Puree, Roasted Squash, Baby Leeks and Mushroom filled Pasta. I feel like I should eat more fish than I do as it's good for the brain and all that jazz. I loved the Squash element of the dish as it gave a sweet element to the dish as the fish gave a meaty sort of element to the dish. I love Mushroom filled pasta so I loved that part of the dish. I always love pasta which leads me onto the next little dish.
The dish was Spinach and Ricotta Gnocchi with Artichoke Puree and Artichoke Crisps. I love Spinach and Ricotta pasta to begin with. This gnocchi was quite light compared to normal gnocchi which is quite dense. The artichokes added a sweet yet good contrast.
The other main course that we enjoyed was Pork Belly with Rib and Black Pudding Croquette, Braised Cheeks, Carrot Puree, Roast Chatennay Carrots and Mustard Jus. I didn't get much of the mustard jus but I loved the braised cheeks which I wasn't expecting to love and I felt the same about the Rib and Black Pudding Croquette as I'm not a big fan of Black Pudding. The Pork Belly was sublime. I did think though that the Mushroom Pasta went well with this dish compared to the Seabass just because it contrasted more with the meat compared to the fish.
We also had some Roasted Seasonal Roots. They were sweet and tender and I loved them. I feel like they would go best with something hearty!
We rarely took photos of the mains because we were too busy chatting... Sorry!
Desserts Time!
Okay so first up on the desserts section is Spiced Rum Poached Pineapple with Raspberry and Sorrel Sorbet. I loved this dessert mainly because I love Pineapple. The Spiced Rum gave it a sort of Caribbean vibe but there's also a bit of Chilli in there for good measure which creates such contrast between the Chilli and the sweet Pineapple which literally makes your mouth water.
The next dish from the menu is Dark Chocolate Tart with honeycomb and bourbon-vanilla ice cream. Oh my god, I love chocolate tarts and this one was amazing. It was rich but not too rich as it was sliced up. It's one of those tarts that tastes amazing but you probably wouldn't want to try and eat all in one go. The ice cream was amazing. I like bourbon and I like vanilla ice cream so fusing them two together was an amazing idea!
The last dessert item that we were served was Stewed Rhubarb and Ginger Creme Brulee. (Sorry for not putting the correct accents on top of the letters.) I love Creme Brulee's so I already could tell that this was going to be a great dessert. I was a bit apprehensive about the Rhubarb but it was amazing! The ginger gave a gentle heat to the dish which I loved. If there was any more Ginger in the Creme Brulee then it might have been on the verge of hatred for me as I feel like it would have taken centre stage so I'm glad they had the right amount in this dish. The crack on the Creme Brulee was exquisite and it's the best thing about a Creme Brulee in my opinion!
We then chatted for a bit more until an Espresso Martini shot came around for us which was quite amazing. I'm not the biggest fan of Espresso but it was divine as it was only in a shot form and had a little coffee bean on top of it. The perfect way to end a great event. We then had the chance to talk to the head chef which I thought was a great addition to the night.
So there you go! A detailed post all about the new Winter To Spring Menu at Black Swan Leeds. Have you tried any of the dishes above? If so then tell me what you thought in the comments below! Don't forget to go check out the new menu here! Don't forget to check out Michelle's photos! I hope that this post didn't make you too hungry! I would also like to thank the staff at Black Swan for putting on an amazing night and for the guys over at I Like Press for inviting me to the event!
Jamie x
I was invited to try out Black Swan's new menu within Leeds. I went to try out their last menu update which if you want to read about that then I shall link that here. Oh, if you haven't noticed by now, I like to get very detailed when it comes to menu tastings just so I can make sure you're salivating whilst reading this post so it might be best to grab a drink as this is a long post.
Me, Michelle and Luke went into Leeds a tiny bit earlier so we decided to go to Caffe Nero as they had a free hot drink via O2 Priority Moments. We then decided to go to Lush because myself and Michelle love Lush quite a bit. We checked out the new Mothers Day range and looked at the Gorilla Perfumes such as Dear John and Death and Decay. We then went to Schuh as Luke wanted some shoes but it then ended up leading to myself buying some Disney Mickey Mouse Vans as they were on sale from £53 to £19 which I think is an absolute bargain! Thanks to Michelle for persuading me to buy the shoes!
We made our way to Black Swan as it is only a stone throw away from Schuh which is in Briggate. We got to the restaurant within one swift move which is actually an achievement as I normally have no clue of where I am going when it comes to events 9 times out of 10. We entered the restaurant and was told that we could choose either three beers to drink throughout the night, wine or a soft drink if you weren't big on drinking. I was going to choose a soft drink but I threw caution to the rain and decided to try three different beers. I can't remember the three beers rhat I tried as I'm a bit bad with names of stuff the first time around (I remember one having some relevance to rebels?) but they were all lovely! We tried to sip our drinks but we were then told to move upstairs for the rest of the event as the downstairs area for meant to be for customers that were dining out on the night.
We made our way upstairs which was quite a difficult task due to glasses and whatnot so a helpful member of staff took them off our hands whilst we made our way up the stairs. We sat down on a elongated table which was in the style of a bench. We chatted for a few minutes then two lovely ladies came over and sat with us. We then chatted a bit more until our starters came. I'm sorry that I can't remember the names of the lovely ladies that sat with us but if you're reading this then hi!
Please remember that all of the pictures within this post are not mine but are Michelle's and if you click on her name throughout this post then it will lead you to her Flickr where you can see more of the perfect pictures that she has shot.
The first dish that came out to us was the Duck OXO Cube with a Celeriac Veloute and a Celeriac and Apple Salad. I was very intrigued about the OXO Cube concept as it meant that the Duck would have a smoky yet concerntrated flavour due to the addition of the OXO. I loved the taste and texture of the Duck and I would happily buy it if I was dining there in my spare time!
The next thing that we ate was Venison Carpaccio with Pickled Shallots, Sherry Vinaigrette and Nasturtium. I think the Nasturtium is in the form of a crisp. I felt like the crisp thing took over the flavour of the Venison as it dominated the palate as soon as you took a bite of it. I feel like it might be best to try a bit of the Venison on it's own and then try it with the other things after tasting a bit of the Venison on its own. Carpaccio is the thinnest cut you can get on any type of meat which means that it melts in the mouth as soon as you bite on it which it did.
The next thing that we tasted was the Salmon and Crab Scotch Egg with Pickled Cucumber and a Parsley Emulsion. This one was a different one for me as it was a unique twist on the classic Scotch Egg. I kind of liked it though. I got more of the Salmon than I did the Crab though and I think that if you had wedges of lemon to spritz over as soon as you cut into the Scotch Egg then that would make it absolutely sublime! If you're not a fan of Fish or Seafood then you're probably not going to like this one!
I then tried Leek and Pearl Barley Risotto with Crispy Leeks. I really like Risotto but I barely cook or have it as I know how much effort it takes to make a risotto so if I know that I can make a chef or whoever not take the time to make a risotto then I probably won't. This risotto was amazing. The Pearl Barley gave it some texture and so did the Crispy Leeks which turned this dish into extravagant comfort food. (That's the best type of food that you can get!) It's a great dish for vegetarians and non meat eaters alike!
Now onto the mains!
We first had the Pan Fried Seabass with Butternut Squash Puree, Roasted Squash, Baby Leeks and Mushroom filled Pasta. I feel like I should eat more fish than I do as it's good for the brain and all that jazz. I loved the Squash element of the dish as it gave a sweet element to the dish as the fish gave a meaty sort of element to the dish. I love Mushroom filled pasta so I loved that part of the dish. I always love pasta which leads me onto the next little dish.
The dish was Spinach and Ricotta Gnocchi with Artichoke Puree and Artichoke Crisps. I love Spinach and Ricotta pasta to begin with. This gnocchi was quite light compared to normal gnocchi which is quite dense. The artichokes added a sweet yet good contrast.
The other main course that we enjoyed was Pork Belly with Rib and Black Pudding Croquette, Braised Cheeks, Carrot Puree, Roast Chatennay Carrots and Mustard Jus. I didn't get much of the mustard jus but I loved the braised cheeks which I wasn't expecting to love and I felt the same about the Rib and Black Pudding Croquette as I'm not a big fan of Black Pudding. The Pork Belly was sublime. I did think though that the Mushroom Pasta went well with this dish compared to the Seabass just because it contrasted more with the meat compared to the fish.
We also had some Roasted Seasonal Roots. They were sweet and tender and I loved them. I feel like they would go best with something hearty!
We rarely took photos of the mains because we were too busy chatting... Sorry!
Desserts Time!
Okay so first up on the desserts section is Spiced Rum Poached Pineapple with Raspberry and Sorrel Sorbet. I loved this dessert mainly because I love Pineapple. The Spiced Rum gave it a sort of Caribbean vibe but there's also a bit of Chilli in there for good measure which creates such contrast between the Chilli and the sweet Pineapple which literally makes your mouth water.
The next dish from the menu is Dark Chocolate Tart with honeycomb and bourbon-vanilla ice cream. Oh my god, I love chocolate tarts and this one was amazing. It was rich but not too rich as it was sliced up. It's one of those tarts that tastes amazing but you probably wouldn't want to try and eat all in one go. The ice cream was amazing. I like bourbon and I like vanilla ice cream so fusing them two together was an amazing idea!
The last dessert item that we were served was Stewed Rhubarb and Ginger Creme Brulee. (Sorry for not putting the correct accents on top of the letters.) I love Creme Brulee's so I already could tell that this was going to be a great dessert. I was a bit apprehensive about the Rhubarb but it was amazing! The ginger gave a gentle heat to the dish which I loved. If there was any more Ginger in the Creme Brulee then it might have been on the verge of hatred for me as I feel like it would have taken centre stage so I'm glad they had the right amount in this dish. The crack on the Creme Brulee was exquisite and it's the best thing about a Creme Brulee in my opinion!
We then chatted for a bit more until an Espresso Martini shot came around for us which was quite amazing. I'm not the biggest fan of Espresso but it was divine as it was only in a shot form and had a little coffee bean on top of it. The perfect way to end a great event. We then had the chance to talk to the head chef which I thought was a great addition to the night.
So there you go! A detailed post all about the new Winter To Spring Menu at Black Swan Leeds. Have you tried any of the dishes above? If so then tell me what you thought in the comments below! Don't forget to go check out the new menu here! Don't forget to check out Michelle's photos! I hope that this post didn't make you too hungry! I would also like to thank the staff at Black Swan for putting on an amazing night and for the guys over at I Like Press for inviting me to the event!
Jamie x
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Wool Overs Unisex Cable Knit V Neck Cardigan Review
A while ago, I was emailed and asked if I wanted to review an item of my choice from the wonderful guys at Wool overs and I decided to say yes!
Wool Overs is a world class kintwear company that started out in 1989. They started out via taking their products to various shows within the UK and then talking to their customers at these shows to find out their feedback. The feedback element is still a big part of the business to this day as without their feedback many of the products that are sold today would not be sold in the many various colours that are on offer. They now sell their products all over the world! Wool Overs are very much built on using natural renewable items within their products as well.
I searched their website for a while and finally found the item that I wanted with the help of Michelle as I loved a lot of the products. Once she had told me to go with a nice cardigan, I ordered it. If you want to have a more detailed look at the cardigan I chose then click here.
Several weeks later, I received the cardigan and it was way bigger than I was expecting but I feel like that is my own fault as I always order the largest size possible as I like my tops to be quite baggy.,, (Literally all of my wardrobe is L+ as I know that it will be baggy and I would rather it be baggy rather than revealing.)
The fabric of the cardigan is lambswool which I can't really comment on as I have never had any other clothing item with lambswool in but the cardigan is very thick which I'm guessing is from the lambswool. Lambswool is sheared from the sheep when they are around 7 months old which means that the fabric is extra soft. I love the fabric and I feel like I need a good few oversized jumpers in lambswool for when I want to feel cute and warm at the same time. I love oversized jumpers especially when I want something warm but casual to wear to college. Wool Overs do some amazing jumpers as well click here to have a look.
I did some selfies with the cardigan including wearing it along with a buttoned up shirt to a bloggers event and wore it with a Misfit's tshirt to coffee with Michelle. I've also worn it with many other shirts. You can really wear this cardigan with anything which makes it an amazing garment as you get a lot of bang for your buck.
I would rate this a good 9/10 for the cardigan. I think that it would be a 10 out of 10 if the button didnt fray away from the cardigan so quickly. I love the material of the cardigan, I love the texture of the cardigan and I just love wearing it on days where it is really cold as it keeps me really warm. It is so versatile as I have mentioned before and I would definitely buy it for the price that it is at the minute.
Have you got a piece of knitwear that you can't live with? Let me know in the comments section below!
I can't thank the guys at Wool Overs enough for sending me the cardigan to review. Don't forget to check them out by clicking Wool Overs. I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post! Don't forget to follow my Bloglovin at the bottom of this post so you will be notified when new posts are published so you will be the first to read my new posts!
Jamie x
A while ago, I was emailed and asked if I wanted to review an item of my choice from the wonderful guys at Wool overs and I decided to say yes!
Wool Overs is a world class kintwear company that started out in 1989. They started out via taking their products to various shows within the UK and then talking to their customers at these shows to find out their feedback. The feedback element is still a big part of the business to this day as without their feedback many of the products that are sold today would not be sold in the many various colours that are on offer. They now sell their products all over the world! Wool Overs are very much built on using natural renewable items within their products as well.
I searched their website for a while and finally found the item that I wanted with the help of Michelle as I loved a lot of the products. Once she had told me to go with a nice cardigan, I ordered it. If you want to have a more detailed look at the cardigan I chose then click here.
Several weeks later, I received the cardigan and it was way bigger than I was expecting but I feel like that is my own fault as I always order the largest size possible as I like my tops to be quite baggy.,, (Literally all of my wardrobe is L+ as I know that it will be baggy and I would rather it be baggy rather than revealing.)
The fabric of the cardigan is lambswool which I can't really comment on as I have never had any other clothing item with lambswool in but the cardigan is very thick which I'm guessing is from the lambswool. Lambswool is sheared from the sheep when they are around 7 months old which means that the fabric is extra soft. I love the fabric and I feel like I need a good few oversized jumpers in lambswool for when I want to feel cute and warm at the same time. I love oversized jumpers especially when I want something warm but casual to wear to college. Wool Overs do some amazing jumpers as well click here to have a look.
I did some selfies with the cardigan including wearing it along with a buttoned up shirt to a bloggers event and wore it with a Misfit's tshirt to coffee with Michelle. I've also worn it with many other shirts. You can really wear this cardigan with anything which makes it an amazing garment as you get a lot of bang for your buck.
I would rate this a good 9/10 for the cardigan. I think that it would be a 10 out of 10 if the button didnt fray away from the cardigan so quickly. I love the material of the cardigan, I love the texture of the cardigan and I just love wearing it on days where it is really cold as it keeps me really warm. It is so versatile as I have mentioned before and I would definitely buy it for the price that it is at the minute.
Have you got a piece of knitwear that you can't live with? Let me know in the comments section below!
I can't thank the guys at Wool Overs enough for sending me the cardigan to review. Don't forget to check them out by clicking Wool Overs. I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post! Don't forget to follow my Bloglovin at the bottom of this post so you will be notified when new posts are published so you will be the first to read my new posts!
Jamie x
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Diary Of A Meowing Lushie | Prince Charming Shower Cream Review
I would give this an 8.5 out of 10. There is nothing wrong with it per se and I love the scent and the texture but I would like to know where the Orange scent is coming from which would bump it up to a good 9 at least. The creamy texture is for certain people as well so unless you like quite thick shower products then you might not like the texture of this product.
Welcome to another DOAML post. Today is a review about one of the new Valentines Day products.
This is also a first for me as I am writing about a product when its actually in stores instead of writing about it three weeks after it has been discontinued for the year from stores...
Prince Charming is a product from the Valentines Day range that has been out in previous years. This year, Lush have decided to change the formula of the product which means that it is no longer a shower gel. Prince Charming is now a Shower Cream which means that it has more nourishing ingredients within the product and has a thicker consistency compared to a shower gel. Lush have released a lot of Shower Creams within the last year therefore I would expect them to bring any shower product within the future to be either a shower cream or a jelly.
It contains Fresh Pomegranate Juice and Grapefruit Oil. It also contains Marshmallow Root and Vanilla Pod Infusion as the other ingredients. These ingredients together create a Jaffa Cake-esque scent which sounds weird as it contains no Orange Oil in whatsoever. Yuzu and Cocoa is meant to smell of Chocolate Orange but I think that this smells of it a lot more than Yuzu and Cocoa does. I think that it shares its scent with Lovers Lamp quite a bit.
When you use it, it takes a while for the product to come out of the bottle as the Cocoa Butter within the cream makes it quite thick. It is one of those products that you have to squeeze the hell out of to get any of it. When you lather the product up it becomes quite foamy which is what I love about Lush's shower range. I always like to massage the cream in when it has lathered up which gets the scent into the skin a little bit more. It takes a bit longer for it to work but it's the best way for the scent to work. The scent on the skin is a bit weaker compared to the scent within the bottle. It does last quite a long while on the body though after you have used it.
The nourishing properties work more after you have used it. It nourishes your body as well as Butterball does but has a slightly better scent than Butterball. If you're looking for a new shower product that actually nourishes you instead of cleansing you then I recommend you to purchase Prince Charming.
The price of Prince Charmiing is £4.95 for 100g which is an alright price for people who want to try it but not to commit to say a 500g bottle as they're not sure if they will get through it all. The prices go up from £9.75, £16.50 and £27.95 for a 1kg bottle which you can onlu buy from the website or Oxford Street I think so if you fall in love with it then you have the option to buy a massive bottle of it.
The price of Prince Charmiing is £4.95 for 100g which is an alright price for people who want to try it but not to commit to say a 500g bottle as they're not sure if they will get through it all. The prices go up from £9.75, £16.50 and £27.95 for a 1kg bottle which you can onlu buy from the website or Oxford Street I think so if you fall in love with it then you have the option to buy a massive bottle of it.
I would give this an 8.5 out of 10. There is nothing wrong with it per se and I love the scent and the texture but I would like to know where the Orange scent is coming from which would bump it up to a good 9 at least. The creamy texture is for certain people as well so unless you like quite thick shower products then you might not like the texture of this product.
I hope that you have enjoyed this DOAML post, Click on Prince Charming if you want to find out more or purchase this product. Have you bought anything from the Valentines Day range at Lush then let me know down below in the comments section below. I hope to see you next time for another blog post!
Jamie x
Jamie x
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Trying Out All Of The Remedies | Neals Yard Remedies Leeds Event
Last week, I was invited to an event within Victoria Quarter. The store that was holding the event in question was Neals Yard Remedies so I thought that I would tell you guys about what happened in today's post.
Neal Yards Remedies set up shop in 1981 in Neals Yard which is a forgotten corner of Covent Garden. NYR's ethos is that beauty should be natural and not synthetic and that you, the customer should know what is exactly in the bottle. Neals Yard Remedies are also known for their blue bottle packaging which is very distinct within the beauty/cosmetic industry. The bottles also say if the product is 100% organic or not. One of the PR staff who had came all the way from London for the event told me this and also showed as some say 99% organic due to them having water within the product which isn't organic. They also do treatments such as massages within most of their stores. The business was bought by Peter Kindersly in 2005 and this is when they moved to their new purpose built eco-factory. They were also the first high street retailer to be certified carbon neutral
Myself and Luke made our way from Lush to Victoria Quarter, we walked through the shopping centre and then found the store that we were looking for. We entered NYR and was welcomed by two women. (Sadly, names run from my mind quite quickly.) They asked us what did we want to drink as they had a chocolate drink, a drink provided by Filmore and Union or some prosecco. As Luke had decided to have a glass of Prosecco I thought that I might as well as have the same.
We were then told the story of NYR which I have noted at the top of this post which I hope you find somewhat useful. She then showed us some of the products and also told us about how they are made within the different countries within the world such as the Frankincense range that NYR sell. The Frankincense is sourced by a tribe of African women who trek the African desert for four days tapping on trees as the resin that comes out of the sap slowly becomes Frankincense. To help the tribe, Neals Yard Remedies created them a self sustaining solar powered well so the African tribe could have clean water.
I then wandered around and had a look at the other ranges such as the Mother and Baby Range, the Rose range, the White Tea Range and many others. I loved the Lavender Bath Salts the most as they packed an absolute punch but would be the most amazing product to use when you want something to help you relax/calm down with. I also liked the Aromatic range as it was sweet but spicy at the same time. I think I also got a hint of Cinnamon within the Aromatics range. I love Cinnamon on anything!
After this, everyone in the room was asked if they wanted a massage and myself being myself instantly thought that I would go for it. I left Luke outside the treatment room and went in on my own where a lovely staff member called Felix tended to my needs and gave me a back, shoulder and neck massage. I always feel like I need a good back massage due to doing blog posts and being busy quite a lot of the time so I was looking forward to this. Felix was amazing and talked all the way through which I think is an important part of a massage otherwise it just becomes awkward if the room is silent. We then talked about everything from blogging and NYR all the way to dreadlocks and piercings. Honestly, if you ever check out NYR in Leeds then I urge you to go for a massage because it is totally worth it!
I walked back up the stairs which led back up to the main floor of the store with Luke. Myself and Luke then wandered around the store again for a while as he had fallen in love with the White Tea range. He loves Tea. White, black green, fruit tea. He basically loves every type of tea so it didn't surprise me that much as he also loves the Black Tea scent at Kiehls. I also had a look at the pure essential oils that they do as there is loads on the shelves within the store and a staff assistant told me how to use them and some other things. I realised that Filmore & Union had some green shakes and food on offer to try so I did. I wasn't that sure what there was but there was an onion sort of thing on some bread which tasted pretty amazing! I also know that there were some Vegan brownies which tasted really nice and quite chocolaty to say that they were completely vegan! I love brownies though so that probably makes me a bit bias. Brownies are so nice! I then talked to a few bloggers and decided to go home as we had stayed for quite a long time. We got a goodie bag which contained a few amazing things such as a jar of Coconut Oil which I have wanted to try for a while as it is amazing for hair, teeth and many other things.
I would like to thank the guys at NYR, the staff of NYR Leeds and Felix for having me at the event. Thanks for reading this blog post and I hope to see you next time for another blog post! Have you ever been or bought anything from NYR? Let me know down below!
Jamie x
Last week, I was invited to an event within Victoria Quarter. The store that was holding the event in question was Neals Yard Remedies so I thought that I would tell you guys about what happened in today's post.
Neal Yards Remedies set up shop in 1981 in Neals Yard which is a forgotten corner of Covent Garden. NYR's ethos is that beauty should be natural and not synthetic and that you, the customer should know what is exactly in the bottle. Neals Yard Remedies are also known for their blue bottle packaging which is very distinct within the beauty/cosmetic industry. The bottles also say if the product is 100% organic or not. One of the PR staff who had came all the way from London for the event told me this and also showed as some say 99% organic due to them having water within the product which isn't organic. They also do treatments such as massages within most of their stores. The business was bought by Peter Kindersly in 2005 and this is when they moved to their new purpose built eco-factory. They were also the first high street retailer to be certified carbon neutral
Myself and Luke made our way from Lush to Victoria Quarter, we walked through the shopping centre and then found the store that we were looking for. We entered NYR and was welcomed by two women. (Sadly, names run from my mind quite quickly.) They asked us what did we want to drink as they had a chocolate drink, a drink provided by Filmore and Union or some prosecco. As Luke had decided to have a glass of Prosecco I thought that I might as well as have the same.
We were then told the story of NYR which I have noted at the top of this post which I hope you find somewhat useful. She then showed us some of the products and also told us about how they are made within the different countries within the world such as the Frankincense range that NYR sell. The Frankincense is sourced by a tribe of African women who trek the African desert for four days tapping on trees as the resin that comes out of the sap slowly becomes Frankincense. To help the tribe, Neals Yard Remedies created them a self sustaining solar powered well so the African tribe could have clean water.
I then wandered around and had a look at the other ranges such as the Mother and Baby Range, the Rose range, the White Tea Range and many others. I loved the Lavender Bath Salts the most as they packed an absolute punch but would be the most amazing product to use when you want something to help you relax/calm down with. I also liked the Aromatic range as it was sweet but spicy at the same time. I think I also got a hint of Cinnamon within the Aromatics range. I love Cinnamon on anything!
After this, everyone in the room was asked if they wanted a massage and myself being myself instantly thought that I would go for it. I left Luke outside the treatment room and went in on my own where a lovely staff member called Felix tended to my needs and gave me a back, shoulder and neck massage. I always feel like I need a good back massage due to doing blog posts and being busy quite a lot of the time so I was looking forward to this. Felix was amazing and talked all the way through which I think is an important part of a massage otherwise it just becomes awkward if the room is silent. We then talked about everything from blogging and NYR all the way to dreadlocks and piercings. Honestly, if you ever check out NYR in Leeds then I urge you to go for a massage because it is totally worth it!
I walked back up the stairs which led back up to the main floor of the store with Luke. Myself and Luke then wandered around the store again for a while as he had fallen in love with the White Tea range. He loves Tea. White, black green, fruit tea. He basically loves every type of tea so it didn't surprise me that much as he also loves the Black Tea scent at Kiehls. I also had a look at the pure essential oils that they do as there is loads on the shelves within the store and a staff assistant told me how to use them and some other things. I realised that Filmore & Union had some green shakes and food on offer to try so I did. I wasn't that sure what there was but there was an onion sort of thing on some bread which tasted pretty amazing! I also know that there were some Vegan brownies which tasted really nice and quite chocolaty to say that they were completely vegan! I love brownies though so that probably makes me a bit bias. Brownies are so nice! I then talked to a few bloggers and decided to go home as we had stayed for quite a long time. We got a goodie bag which contained a few amazing things such as a jar of Coconut Oil which I have wanted to try for a while as it is amazing for hair, teeth and many other things.
I would like to thank the guys at NYR, the staff of NYR Leeds and Felix for having me at the event. Thanks for reading this blog post and I hope to see you next time for another blog post! Have you ever been or bought anything from NYR? Let me know down below!
Jamie x
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Preparing For The Super Bowl at Shooters Sports Bar Leeds
I was invited by the lovely Shooters Leeds to try out their Super Bowl package in preparation of Super Bowl which is happening this weekend.
Shooters Sports Bar is a very well respected sporting venue within the North. They are the epitome of sports watching with several HD TV's and projectors, You can experience the ultimate sporting experience via your own VIP seating area. The Shooters bar has two floors. One for casual drinking and one for sports maniacs so if you love sports or want somewhere amazing to hang out and watch some good sports then I suggest coming here!
Myself and Luke travelled to Leeds as we normally do. When we got to Leeds, we thought that we do a little bit of shopping as we arrived a tad bit early so we went into Yorkshire Soap Company to start with as Luke loves there and as they have some new stuff out for Valentines Day, If you want to find out what they sell then click here. We wandered around Boots as well but we then realised that it was nearly time for Shooters as we had a reservation booked in for five so we made our way leisurely to the establishment as it was only five minutes away from Boots.
We entered the venue and realised that it was heavily packed due to a darts meet and greet event. We walked up the metal stairs and walked to the bar. As it was packed, I waited a few minutes before enquiring at the bar. I showed the email and then was told that Chris would sort us out. Chris is the lovely manager of Shooters Leeds. Chris showed us to our table and told us a little bit about Shooters Leeds. He also told us about the Super Bowl package which contains a large sharing platter and some drinks. He asked us if we wanted a Coors to start off which I obviously agreed to as I was wanting something to drink and Coors fit the bill of being in the Super Bowl theme of the night. He then also told us to take plenty of pictures which I will put throughout the post. (Remember that I aren't the best photographer within the world so please don't expect professional photos!)
I took some pictures of the venue and then decided to watch a bit of basketball as we were sat in front of a big screen which was showing basketball. Shooters has many big screens that show a variety of sport shows every day. We waited a few minutes and someone came over with food but as I zoned out I didn't realise that it wasn't our food. Oops. Chris came over and sorted it out straight away! Five or so minutes later, Chris came over with our platter which looked incredible. (Shooters also do a lot more food so if you're not feeling a platter to share then you can always get a pizza/burger/other food to eat whilst watching a game!)
The platter contained many items of food but I think that it might be best to talk about them separately. There was onion rings which I love. They were crispy and sweet. I could literally eat Onion Rings for days. There was also BBQ sauce to dip stuff in. Okay, I love BBQ Sauce on anything savoury. This one had an acidic kick but it wasnt too much that it made your lips pucker but it was nice especially when contrasted with the Onion Rings. The next thing on the platter was Mozzarella Melts/Sticks. Okay so lactose is my ultimate bad vice mainly because I can't have it due to my body not liking lactose so I love Mozzarella Sticks and I loved these ones a little bit more due to the fact that they had a little bit of a kick from some Chilli I think but it wasn't too much of a kick that the Cheese couldn't speak for itself.
The next thing was Potato Wedges. I love Potato Wedges especially when I have BBQ sauce and Sweet Chilli Sauce to dunk them into. They were crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. They were pretty great but I do think that they could do with a bit of pepper. I also think that these would be great as a massive bowl on their own with dips whilst watching a game at Shooters. There was also Cheesy Nachos. I rarely eat Nacho's due to the amount of Cheese and Lactose but these were pretty great/ They had slices of Onion running all the way throughout which gave a fresh kick when the Cheese got a bit too much. The Cheese sauce that they were in was really nice and I think the sauce reminded me of Sour Cream and Chive. I do think that it could have done with either some Lime Zest or Lime Juice as I like my tortilla chips with a bit of added zing. There was also Chicken Wings They were crispy and warm on the outside and succulent on the inside. I love a good Chicken Wing especially when I have BBQ sauce to dunk the meat into. I feel like I could eat all of this platter again and again but also it would be pretty good to have when out with friends in Leeds.
All in all, I had an amazing night. Chris was amazing, the whole place was filled with enthusiasm and there was just a good vibe during the time that we were there. The TV and acoustic music gave some amazing entertainment to the venue as me and Luke decided to play a game of guess the next cover which was a lot of fun. You can make bookings for Super Bowl on the Shooters Website which I shall link here.
I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post. I can't thank Chris enough for sorting us out when we got to Shooters and I can't thank the PR for inviting me. I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post and I hope to see you next time for another blog post!
Jamie x
I was invited by the lovely Shooters Leeds to try out their Super Bowl package in preparation of Super Bowl which is happening this weekend.
Shooters Sports Bar is a very well respected sporting venue within the North. They are the epitome of sports watching with several HD TV's and projectors, You can experience the ultimate sporting experience via your own VIP seating area. The Shooters bar has two floors. One for casual drinking and one for sports maniacs so if you love sports or want somewhere amazing to hang out and watch some good sports then I suggest coming here!
Myself and Luke travelled to Leeds as we normally do. When we got to Leeds, we thought that we do a little bit of shopping as we arrived a tad bit early so we went into Yorkshire Soap Company to start with as Luke loves there and as they have some new stuff out for Valentines Day, If you want to find out what they sell then click here. We wandered around Boots as well but we then realised that it was nearly time for Shooters as we had a reservation booked in for five so we made our way leisurely to the establishment as it was only five minutes away from Boots.
We entered the venue and realised that it was heavily packed due to a darts meet and greet event. We walked up the metal stairs and walked to the bar. As it was packed, I waited a few minutes before enquiring at the bar. I showed the email and then was told that Chris would sort us out. Chris is the lovely manager of Shooters Leeds. Chris showed us to our table and told us a little bit about Shooters Leeds. He also told us about the Super Bowl package which contains a large sharing platter and some drinks. He asked us if we wanted a Coors to start off which I obviously agreed to as I was wanting something to drink and Coors fit the bill of being in the Super Bowl theme of the night. He then also told us to take plenty of pictures which I will put throughout the post. (Remember that I aren't the best photographer within the world so please don't expect professional photos!)
I took some pictures of the venue and then decided to watch a bit of basketball as we were sat in front of a big screen which was showing basketball. Shooters has many big screens that show a variety of sport shows every day. We waited a few minutes and someone came over with food but as I zoned out I didn't realise that it wasn't our food. Oops. Chris came over and sorted it out straight away! Five or so minutes later, Chris came over with our platter which looked incredible. (Shooters also do a lot more food so if you're not feeling a platter to share then you can always get a pizza/burger/other food to eat whilst watching a game!)
The platter contained many items of food but I think that it might be best to talk about them separately. There was onion rings which I love. They were crispy and sweet. I could literally eat Onion Rings for days. There was also BBQ sauce to dip stuff in. Okay, I love BBQ Sauce on anything savoury. This one had an acidic kick but it wasnt too much that it made your lips pucker but it was nice especially when contrasted with the Onion Rings. The next thing on the platter was Mozzarella Melts/Sticks. Okay so lactose is my ultimate bad vice mainly because I can't have it due to my body not liking lactose so I love Mozzarella Sticks and I loved these ones a little bit more due to the fact that they had a little bit of a kick from some Chilli I think but it wasn't too much of a kick that the Cheese couldn't speak for itself.
The next thing was Potato Wedges. I love Potato Wedges especially when I have BBQ sauce and Sweet Chilli Sauce to dunk them into. They were crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. They were pretty great but I do think that they could do with a bit of pepper. I also think that these would be great as a massive bowl on their own with dips whilst watching a game at Shooters. There was also Cheesy Nachos. I rarely eat Nacho's due to the amount of Cheese and Lactose but these were pretty great/ They had slices of Onion running all the way throughout which gave a fresh kick when the Cheese got a bit too much. The Cheese sauce that they were in was really nice and I think the sauce reminded me of Sour Cream and Chive. I do think that it could have done with either some Lime Zest or Lime Juice as I like my tortilla chips with a bit of added zing. There was also Chicken Wings They were crispy and warm on the outside and succulent on the inside. I love a good Chicken Wing especially when I have BBQ sauce to dunk the meat into. I feel like I could eat all of this platter again and again but also it would be pretty good to have when out with friends in Leeds.
All in all, I had an amazing night. Chris was amazing, the whole place was filled with enthusiasm and there was just a good vibe during the time that we were there. The TV and acoustic music gave some amazing entertainment to the venue as me and Luke decided to play a game of guess the next cover which was a lot of fun. You can make bookings for Super Bowl on the Shooters Website which I shall link here.
I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post. I can't thank Chris enough for sorting us out when we got to Shooters and I can't thank the PR for inviting me. I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post and I hope to see you next time for another blog post!
Jamie x
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Those Tech Items That Every Student Needs | Student Technology Essential's Guide
So today I thought that I would talk to you about what I think students should have technology wise to survive within the world of today. Now obviously you don't have to have all of these but these are what I think everyone should.
The first thing that I am going to say is camera. Now this can be either a digital camera or a DSLR but honestly I think that digital cameras are a lot cheaper for students and a lot more compact so unless you know that you are going to use a DSLR then it is probably best to buy a digital camera. They come in handy if you want to take pictures of your adventures, any parties that you go to or can come in very handy if you create YouTube videos in your spare time as most come with a recording feature as I have heard good things about the Lumix range of cameras from other friends who film YouTube videos. I like these ones from Panasonic. Click Panasonic Compact Camera's to find out more about them!
The next thing that I am going to suggest is a phone. Yes I know you're all going to be thinking that this is a necessary one but we all know that sometimes we go to a party, end up getting a bit too drunk then the next thing that you know you have a massive crack down the middle of your phone and it doesn't work anymore bexause you dropped it down the toilet... So to elaborate, my next piece of essential tech is a working mobile phone. This means that you can do everything that you need to on the go whether that is Snapchatting someone the night after a party to ensure they're still alive or checking emails from lecturers to ensure that your essay went in five minutes before the deadline. We all obviously have different budgets but Apple do offer a student discount and O2 also offer a student discount which means you'll save some money either way. I'm not going to link this one because there is so many phone companies and so many networks you can just search for it if you need a new phone. I normally stick to Apple and O2 because that's what works for me.
Following on from the phone one, get a good case. If you have a flimsy/really cheap case then it might fall apart and you have the risk of breaking your phone whereas if you buy a really good case then you know that its safe and sound even if you drop it by accident. Even though the case that I have found is £25, it does survive in a good chunk of feet worth of dropping and is everything else proof. You can also get a student discount on Amazon and you can get 6 months worth of Prime for free which includes Next Day Delivery as well. Click here to see the charger.
You need a good laptop. This is an obvious one. Everyone might have a different budget or a preference of a brand but the best laptop that you can probably get is a Macbook Pro. As I said in the previous paragraph Apple have a student discount so you'll save money but Currys PC World have some great offers on normally so you can save money either way. Laptops are great for essays, procrastinating and much more and are essential if you're on the go quite a lot. Click here to view the Macbook.
Earphones. I don't know whether or not you can class this as a piece of technology as it is more of an accessory but it is very essential. It can do anything from helping you travel places to see friends or maybe to go to gigs all the way to helping you get on with essays when you have two hours before the deadline and you realise that you actually need to do it. Click here to view the Earpods.
I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post. Do you class any of these as your essential bits of technology? Let me know down below! I know that I shoved student discount down your throat but it does help quite a bit when you're purchasing stuff and it justifies spending a bit more on things. I hope to see you next time for another blog post!
Jamie x
So today I thought that I would talk to you about what I think students should have technology wise to survive within the world of today. Now obviously you don't have to have all of these but these are what I think everyone should.
The first thing that I am going to say is camera. Now this can be either a digital camera or a DSLR but honestly I think that digital cameras are a lot cheaper for students and a lot more compact so unless you know that you are going to use a DSLR then it is probably best to buy a digital camera. They come in handy if you want to take pictures of your adventures, any parties that you go to or can come in very handy if you create YouTube videos in your spare time as most come with a recording feature as I have heard good things about the Lumix range of cameras from other friends who film YouTube videos. I like these ones from Panasonic. Click Panasonic Compact Camera's to find out more about them!
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The next thing that I am going to suggest is a phone. Yes I know you're all going to be thinking that this is a necessary one but we all know that sometimes we go to a party, end up getting a bit too drunk then the next thing that you know you have a massive crack down the middle of your phone and it doesn't work anymore bexause you dropped it down the toilet... So to elaborate, my next piece of essential tech is a working mobile phone. This means that you can do everything that you need to on the go whether that is Snapchatting someone the night after a party to ensure they're still alive or checking emails from lecturers to ensure that your essay went in five minutes before the deadline. We all obviously have different budgets but Apple do offer a student discount and O2 also offer a student discount which means you'll save some money either way. I'm not going to link this one because there is so many phone companies and so many networks you can just search for it if you need a new phone. I normally stick to Apple and O2 because that's what works for me.
Following on from the phone one, get a good case. If you have a flimsy/really cheap case then it might fall apart and you have the risk of breaking your phone whereas if you buy a really good case then you know that its safe and sound even if you drop it by accident. Even though the case that I have found is £25, it does survive in a good chunk of feet worth of dropping and is everything else proof. You can also get a student discount on Amazon and you can get 6 months worth of Prime for free which includes Next Day Delivery as well. Click here to see the charger.
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You need a good laptop. This is an obvious one. Everyone might have a different budget or a preference of a brand but the best laptop that you can probably get is a Macbook Pro. As I said in the previous paragraph Apple have a student discount so you'll save money but Currys PC World have some great offers on normally so you can save money either way. Laptops are great for essays, procrastinating and much more and are essential if you're on the go quite a lot. Click here to view the Macbook.
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Earphones. I don't know whether or not you can class this as a piece of technology as it is more of an accessory but it is very essential. It can do anything from helping you travel places to see friends or maybe to go to gigs all the way to helping you get on with essays when you have two hours before the deadline and you realise that you actually need to do it. Click here to view the Earpods.
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I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post. Do you class any of these as your essential bits of technology? Let me know down below! I know that I shoved student discount down your throat but it does help quite a bit when you're purchasing stuff and it justifies spending a bit more on things. I hope to see you next time for another blog post!
Jamie x
This blog post was in collaboration with Panasonic Lumix Compact Camera's. All views are my own within this blog post.
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